
This repository contains code analysing Czech public finance data in order to understand the (potential) impact of COVID19 related measures on municipal budgets.

Outputs are published on https://obce-covid19.netlify.app/

How it works

  • renv is used to ensure exact reproducibility with respect to package version
    • at first project load, the right versions of the necessary packages should install automatically
    • all packages installed during work on the project are installed into a project-specific library (although they are not physically stored inside the project so they do not take up disk space)
    • anytime you install a new package, run renv::snapshot()
    • commit the renv.lock file alongside other scripts
  • heavy data download and processing is done in separate R scripts which should only be run once, manually. build.R shows the order in which to run everything.
  • all Rmarkdown files (except those whose names start with _) are turned into webpages using rmarkdown::render_site(). The result ends up in docs turned into a website with a navigation bar, all of which is set up in _site.yml. Together with generating Word docs, this can be done in build.sh on a UNIX-based machine.
  • the resulting website is deployed to netlify using netlify-cli: https://obce-covid19.netlify.app/ (also done in build.sh.)
  • /docs or data-* is never committed or pushed to Github
  • public finance data is loaded and processed from the official Státní pokladna system using the statnipokladna package.

What to do

Data loading and processing

  • all data is downloaded first and saved with minimal transformations in data-input
  • also saved are subsets
  • next, the data is summarised/subset and saved in data-processed
  • these data preparation scripts should only be run once per machine to save time
  • only add codelists when you reached the right subset/level and/or aggregation
  • but make sure you do not aggregate too much, e.g. to get correct summaries across paragraf (odvětvové členění), you also need the polozka codelist (druhové členění) joined to the data.

Scenario generation

see R script numbered 7-9

Website output generation

All website outputs can be generated by running rmarkdown::render_site(), which ensures things happen in the right order.

Special care is required when there is a need for rendering the scenario document (scenare.Rmd) separately, or when developing it further. For the first two outcomes simulated in each of the three scenarios, the same subdocument (_scen_pt1.Rmd) is run with different parameters, depending on the scenario. This generates and writes to disk ggplot2 objects, which are then brought into the main scenare.Rmd document and displayed. For developing the individual charts, the right parameters have to be set (denoting the scenario and the outcome being simulated) so that the charts are generated correctly.

After newly cloning this

  1. run all the numbered R scripts in order
  2. run Rmd files
  3. create new Rmd files; use data from data-*
  4. any new data creation or transformation should go into an R script and the data into data-*, so that Rmarkdown files only load the minimal data necessary and time to build them is minimised.